Seal is located within the Dr. Harvey M. Rice papers.  An interoffice communication is included from Dr. Rice to Wadsor Scoville instructing him to make changes to the seal.  There is a handwritten note at the top of the memo, "Wadsor was ill at the time tfd to Paul Hiser which he completed".  In addition there is a Christmas card sent by President and Mrs. Harvey M. Rice with a gold embossed image of the seal.  A printed note (in pencil) at the top of the card, "Xmas card used after seal was completed by Paul Hiser in Nov. 1950".

Material Information

Seal is located within the Dr. Harvey M. Rice papers. An interoffice communication is included from Dr. Rice to Wadsor Scoville instructing him to make changes to the seal. There is a handwritten note at the top of the memo, "Wadsor was ill at the time tfd to Paul Hiser which he completed". In addition there is a Christmas card sent by President and Mrs. Harvey M. Rice with a gold embossed image of the seal. A printed note (in pencil) at the top of the card, "Xmas card used after seal was completed by Paul Hiser in Nov. 1950".


Seal is located within the Dr. Harvey M. Rice papers. An interoffice communication is included from Dr. Rice to Wadsor Scoville instructing him to make changes to the seal. There is a handwritten note at the top of the memo, "Wadsor was ill at the time tfd to Paul Hiser which he completed". In addition there is a Christmas card sent by President and Mrs. Harvey M. Rice with a gold embossed image of the seal. A printed note (in pencil) at the top of the card, "Xmas card used after seal was completed by Paul Hiser in Nov. 1950". ( eng )

Record Information

Rights Management:
All applicable rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier:
2005.053.0002 ( accession number )

OswegoDL Membership

PastPerfect Object Collection