Molecular Cloning of Dictyostelium Filamin Lacking the Actin Binding Domain

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Molecular Cloning of Dictyostelium Filamin Lacking the Actin Binding Domain
Sarah Buckler
Yulia Artemenko
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Directed migration of cells is vital for a number of processes, including embryo development and uncoordinated migration of cancer cells. Cells can migrate directionally in response to mechanical stimuli, although how cells sense this type of stimulus is unclear. The social amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum is very similar to mammalian cells, making it an excellent model organism for studying migration. Previous studies in our lab showed that filamin, which is a protein that crosslinks actin cytoskeleton in the cells, is involved in the ability of cells to respond to mechanical cues. Filamin requires actin-binding domain (ABD) and the dimerization domain (DD) to work together to ensure binding to the actin cytoskeleton. To further understand the role of filamin in sensing physical stimuli, we plan to analyze filamin without ABD in D. discoideum. We are currently generating an expression construct for filamin without ABD. This procedure was successful up to the ligation process. Once ligation is successful and the construct is confirmed by sequencing, the plasmid will be transformed into D. discoideum and its response to mechanical stimuli will be tested.
Collected for SUNY Oswego Institutional Repository by the online self-submittal tool. Submitted by Sarah Buckler.

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