Does the Truth Matter in Politics? A Review of Campaign Advertisement Law in America

Material Information

Does the Truth Matter in Politics? A Review of Campaign Advertisement Law in America
Thomas Waizenegger
Publication Date:


Subjects / Keywords:
serial ( sobekcm )


Lying in politics is nothing new. The consistent dishonesty in American politics creates a chilling effect in which the American electorate come to the polls with a skewed perception of the candidates running for office. By examining the cases pertaining to the issue of false campaign speech, it was observed that the United States Supreme Court has protected knowingly false campaign speech by using a harsher level of scrutiny. This thesis looks to argue that campaign false speech laws are detrimental to election integrity, and should be reconsidered when tried by The United States Supreme Court. This thesis also presents a legal test which gives less protection to false campaign speech, creating a parallel to how commercial speech is treated in court.
Collected for SUNY Oswego Institutional Repository by the online self-submittal tool. Submitted by Thomas Waizenegger.
General Note:
Based on work for the SUNY Oswego Honors program, and BRC 499 with Professor Jason Zenor

Record Information

Source Institution:
SUNY Oswego Institutional Repository
Holding Location:
SUNY Oswego Institution
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