1912 ONS graduating class

Material Information

1912 ONS graduating class
Lovell ( studio )
Creation Date:
June 1912
Physical Description:
13 1/2" x 10 1/2"


Subjects / Keywords:
Oswego, NY
Oswego Normal School--New York--Oswego
Students--New York--Oswego
Ash, Alice L.
Bailey, Edna
Bartlett, George Wilbur
Bassett, Elizabeth
Bensen, Jeannette
Bishop, Elsie D.
Bowers, David F.
Brooks, Myron W., Jr.
Brown, Hazel
Browne, Dorothy Loretta
Brownell, Emma Jeanne
Burns, Sherman Moran
Burt, Mabel O.
Carroll, Emily
Chapman, Irene
Cohn, Rebecca M.
Combs, Belle R.
Connor, Nora E.
Craley, John H.
Crawford, Sidney
Cullinan, Gertrude J.
Currie, Ethel Louise
Darling, May
Davis, Ethel Florence
Davis, Winifred
Deady, Eva Carolyn
Doane, Ruth Angeline
Dodd, Grace E.
Dolan, Margaret
Downey, Mabel
Dudley, Edith May
Dwyer, Agnes Jane
Ebblie, Lena Jennie
Ellis, Alta V.
Endres, Joseph John
Engle, Ada Elizabeth
Faber, Loretta Regina
Farrell, Rose Eugenia
Ferguson, Lillian
Ferris, Harvey D.
Fetterley, Maude B.
Fox, Carina Pearl
Frick, Marian
Frickey, Lena H.
Gould, Anita Margaret
Granger, Carrie
Gunston, Edith
Hannay, Ethel M.
Hoke, Mabel
Jerrett, Raymond N.
Joy, Augusta Mary
Kark, Blanch
Keeler, Leah Jane
Kendall, Maud
Kimber, Gladys Harriet
Kocher, Mabel Alice
Leadley, Esther
Lord, Lucy Ann
Manchester, Dora Bell
Mangus, Leta Frances
Margrey, Minnie Lenora
McCarthy, Helen Gilchrist
McCriskin, Helen Elizabeth
McKnight, Elsie Jane
Miller, Laura Mae
Milligan, Edith W.
Murphy, Minnie
Niles, Mary Ellen
O'Brien, Eva Mary
Olmstead, Ritta
Parr, Ida M.
Peno, Bernadette Cecilia
Phillips, Bessie Louise
Pierce, Ella W.
Purcell, Margaret
Regan, Joseph John
Robertson, Hazel Clare
Rogers, May
Rolfe, Helen M.
Roller, Laura Mary
Rounds, Olive Cleora
Sampel, Irene
Schenck, Virginia
Schilling, Marguerite E.
Shore, Irene
Simons, Ethelyn W.
Skinner, Mildred
Smith, Fred Joseph
Spath, Loretta B.
Spink, Gladys Mary
Sweeney, Margaret
Tillapaugh, Mary L.
Tonks, Ethel
Travis, Emma
Washington, Edith E.
Watson, Edna
Welch, Loretta
Werner, Mamie
White, Bertha
Wright, Doris Lucile
Wright, Estelle
Wright, Ethel
Print, Photographic
8: Communication Artifact ( nmc )
Documentary Artifact ( nmc )


Oswego Normal School 1912 graduation class photograph. ( eng )
Black & white composite photograph. ( eng )
Top row from left to right - Helen McCarthy, Emma Brownell, Gertrude Cullinan, Anita Gould, Sherman Burns, Augusta Joy, Letta Mangus, Helen Rolf, Ella Pierce, Lillian Ferguson. ( eng )
Second row - Mabel Bart, Bernadette Peno, Irene Shore, Edith Dudley, Laura Miller, Fred Smith, Ida Parr, Alta Ellis, Virginia Schenck, Ethel Currie, Mary Niles. ( eng )
Third row - Carrie Granger, Esther Leadley, Lena Frickey, Mamie Werner, Grace Dodd, Marian Frink, Edna Watson, John Craley, Maud Kendall, Helen McCriskin, Elizabeth Bassett, Olive Rounds. ( eng )
Fourth row - Eva O'Brien, Raymond Jerrett, Ethelyn Simons, Ethel Davis, Emma Travis, Joe Endres, Rebecca Cohn, Winifred Davis, Adna Engle, Alice Ash, Edith Milligan. ( eng )
Fifth row - Ruth Doane, Loretta Welch, Irene Chapman, Lena Ebblie, Myron Brooks, Blanch Kark, Harvey Ferris, Dorothy Browne, David Bowers, Hazel Robertson, Mabel Hoke, Marguerite Schilling. ( eng )
Sixth row - Maude Fetterley, Joseph Regan, Loretta Faber, Ritta Olmstead, Loretta Spath, Edna Bailey, Doris Wright, Minnie Margrey, Elsie Bishop, Ethel Hanney, May Rogers. ( eng )
Seventh row - Gladys Spink, Mabel Kocher, Katherine Downey, George Bartlett, Dora Belle Manchester, Nora Connor, Rose Farrell, Laura Roller, Jeannette Bensen, Mary Tillapaugh, May Darling, Irene Sampel. ( eng )
Eight row - Margaret Sweeney, Estelle Wright, Edith Gunston, Elsie McKnight, Emily Carroll, Mildred Skinner, Carina Fox, Sidney Crawford, Leah Keeler, Gladys Kimber, Bessie Phillips. ( eng )
Bottom row - Hazel Brown, Edith Washington, Belle Combs, Lucy Lord, Margaret Purcell, Margaret Dolan, Ethel Tonks, Bertha White, Ethel Wright, Agnes Dwyer, Eva Deady, Minnie Murphy. ( eng )
General Note:
CAPTION:1912 ONS Class Photograph

Record Information

Rights Management:
All applicable rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier:
2004.041.0036 ( accession number )