Material Information
- Title:
- The Ontarian
- Series Title:
- Yearbooks
- Publication Date:
- 1946
- Language:
- English
- Edition:
- 1946
- Subjects / Keywords:
- Alpha Delta Sorority--New York--Oswego
Ange's Luggage--New York--Oswego Arethusa Sorority--New York--Oswego Ball and Wilson, Inc.--New York--Oswego Basketball--New York--Oswego Best Ice Cream Co.--New York--Oswego Beta Tau Epsilon Fraternity--New York--Oswego Bower Printing Company--New York--Oswego Camera Club--New York--Oswego Cantebury Club--New York--Oswego Clio Sorority--New York--Oswego Co-Op Book Store--New York--Oswego Coe Brothers Laundry--New York--Oswego College Cafeteria--New York--Oswego Dashner's--New York--Oswego Delta Kappa--New York--Oswego Dramatics Club--New York--Oswego DuBois Press--New York--Rochester Flying Club--New York--Oswego Frank L. Gould Bus Line--New York--Oswego Freshman Orientation--New York--Oswego Gallery Committee--New York--Oswego George C. Reed Drug Store--New York--Oswego George H. Campbell + Company--New York--Oswego Gunter's Little Shop--New York--Oswego Harold E. Dowd Insurance and Real Estate--New York--Oswego Herby's Diner at the Forks--New York--Oswego Home Dairy Cafeteria + Bakery--New York--Oswego Hotel Pontiac--New York--Oswego Industrial Arts Club--New York--Oswego Inter-Fraternity Council--New York--Oswego Inter-Group Council--New York--Oswego Inter-Sorority Council--New York--Oswego International Relations Club--New York--Oswego Jewish Youth Organization--New York--Oswego Kappa Delta Pi--New York--Oswego Leo's Department Store--New York--Oswego Longfellow Club--Oswego State Normal School McDonald's--New York--Oswego Mel Coe's Cash Market + Grocery--New York--Oswego Men's Recreational Association--New York--Oswego Metropolitan--New York--Oswego Music Appreciation--New York--Oswego Newman Club--New York--Oswego Ontarian--New York--Oswego Oswego Amusement Parlor--New York--Oswego Oswego City Savings Bank--New York--Oswego Oswego Coca-Cola Bottling Co.--New York--Oswego Oswego County Savings Bank--New York--Oswego Oswego Netherland Co., Inc.--New York--Oswego Oswego Protestant Youth Organization--New York--Oswego Oswego State Teachers College Palladium-Times Newspaper--New York--Oswego Psi Phi Fraternity--New York--Oswego Sons of the Wilted Wallet--New York--Oswego Speakers Union Debate Club--New York--Oswego Stewart's Greenhouses--New York--Oswego Student Council--New York--Oswego Student Recreation Association--New York--Oswego Symphonic Choir--New York--Oswego Tiffany Motors--New York--Oswego Women's Athletic Association--New York--Oswego Women's Choir--New York--Oswego Alford, Harold D. Allen, Dawn Anderson, Douglas Angel, Marion Annal, Jane Arcoraci, Nancy Ayer, Etta Barnes, William Battles, William Baxter, Harold Beard, Melvin Beha, Helen Berry, Lorena Bitter, Amy Bitter, Irwin Boigel, Mildred T. Briggs, Betty Buck, Donald Buehler, Robert J. Campbell, Frank Cavanaugh, Herbert Cavanaugh, Lucille Clair, Pauline Clark, Norma Coe, Vincent Connors, Albert R. Counts, Beulah Cribben, Leo T. Danes, Alice Darrow, Dean Davis, Jane Davis, Marion Donovan, Jean Dovesmith, William DuBois, John Essex, Gene Evans, Doris Fanning, Jean Fargione, Joseph Farrell, Eileene Felshaw, George Fink, Charles Fitch, Allen Francis, Palmer Gaebler, RIta Gagnon, Clovis Gokey, Jane Gorman, Thomas Gosier, Weltha Gwinn, Robert Hagger, Helen Hall, June Hall, Marjorie Hart, Isabelle K. Harter, Taylor Hastings, James Hauler, Arthur Helsby, Robert Hinman, William Hitchcock, Carrol D. Hogan, Ellen Hollenbeck, Edward Hubbard, Richard Karcher, Harry M. Kelly, Robert Kleintjes, Paul Knapp, Janice Konduct, Beverly Leonard, Jean M. Loschiavo, Angelo Lower, Charles MacQuigg, Barbara Mahaney, Eileen Mahar, Marion Marapese, Gerard Martin, Irene Maxon, Neil Mayer, Eugene McGarvey, William McVeigh, Alice Mead, Elizabeth Ann Miller, Thomas R., Dr. Miner, Stewart Moreland, James Morse, Loyal Morton, J. T. Baxter Mower, Rosalie Mumford, Howard Murdock, John Murray, Marjorie O'Leary, Ursula Oaksford, Garth Oot, Gerald Ostberg, Louise Pease, Bevra Penny, Ray Penpeck, Jane Pitluga, George Presley, Mary Raulli, Eustace Redden, Jean Reynolds, Margaret Romney, Golden Rudolph, Jay Salisbury, W. Seward Saunders, Aulus Scheck, Jay Schneider, Frank Scoville, Wadsor M. Seeley, Mary Shannon, Mary Signorelli, Charles Simmons, Eva Jane Skinner, Gordon Slurff, Carolyn Smith, Florence Smith, Jack Smith, John Smith, Vernon Snyder, Charles McCool Snygg, Donald Southworth, Hazel Sprague, Harold Stark, Nicholas Stets, Ruth Story, Felix Stroud, Rupert Sunderman, Lloyd Swetman, Ralph W. Tarasek, Charlotte Loucks Terpening, Luvilla Townsend, Loretta Tucker, Lillian Tully, Robert Turner, Charles Turner, Janet Vant, Barbara Vine, Jane Vrooman, Betty Wells, Charles Wenner, Glenn Wilber, Gordon Williams, Roselyn Woodward, Robert Wordelman, Matilda Wunsch, Mary Rose Yager, Charles Young, Elizabeth Yule, Doris Ziel, Max
- Genre:
- Yearbook
8: Communication Artifact ( nmc ) Documentary Artifact ( nmc )
- Summary:
- The 1946 Ontarian. 104 pages. 3 copies ( eng )
- General Note:
- CAPTION:Front cover
Record Information
- Rights Management:
- All applicable rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
- Resource Identifier:
- 2006.042.0029 ( accession number )
RG-7-2, Ontarian 1946