Material Information
- Title:
- The Ontarian
- Series Title:
- Yearbooks
- Publication Date:
- 1942
- Language:
- English
- Edition:
- 1942
- Subjects / Keywords:
- Alpha Delta Sorority--New York--Oswego
Arethusa Society--New York--Oswego Art Exhibition Room--New York--Oswego B. Feltscher--New York--Oswego Baseball--New York--Oswego Basketball--New York--Oswego Bel Canto Choir--New York--Oswego Best Ice Cream Co.--New York--Oswego Beta Tau Epsilon Fraternity--New York--Oswego Bill Dobbins--New York--Oswego Block "O" Club--New York--Oswego Bush Pharmacy--New York--Oswego Choir--New York--Oswego Clio--New York--Oswego Co-Op Book Store--New York--Oswego Coe Brothers Laundry--New York--Oswego Conzone's Restaurant--New York--Oswego Dashner's--New York--Oswego Debate Club--New York--Oswego Delta Kappa Gamma--New York--Oswego Dramatics Club--New York--Oswego DuBois Press--New York--Rochester Epsilon Pi Tau--New York--Oswego Fischer's Service--New York--Oswego Golf Team--New York--Oswego Health Council--New York--Oswego Herby's Diner at the Forks--New York--Oswego Industrial Arts Club--New York--Oswego Inter-Sorority Council--New York--Oswego Interfaternity Council--New York--Oswego John A. Graveley--New York--Oswego Longfellow Club--Oswego State Normal School Men's Recreational Assocation--New York--Oswego Morrall Studio--New York--Rochester Newman Club--New York--Oswego Normal School Cafeteria--New York--Oswego Ontarian--New York--Oswego Orchestra--New York--Oswego Oswego City Savings Bank--New York--Oswego Oswego County Savings Bank--New York--Oswego Oswego Netherland Co., Inc.--New York--Oswego Oswegonian--New York--Oswego Peter Raby Company Inc.--New York--Oswego Pontiac--New York--Oswego Psi Phi Fraternity--New York--Oswego Savas Coffee Shop--New York--Oswego Sheldon Forum--New York--Oswego Sigma Phi Rho--New York--Oswego Soccer--New York--Oswego Social Committee--New York--Oswego Sons of the Wilted Wallet--New York--Oswego Speaker's Union--New York--Oswego Student Council--New York--Oswego Student Recreation Association--New York--Oswego Tennis--New York--Oswego W.A. Durfee--New York--Oswego West End Diner--New York--Oswego Women's Athletic Association--New York--Oswego Students--New York--Oswego Teachers--New York (State)--Oswego Alford, Harold D. Andrews, Margaret Angel, Marion Auleta, Michael Barry, Frances Barry, Theda Beavers, Dorothy Beha, Margaret Benevento, Philip Benini, Edmond Best, Carlene Mary Bishop, Frances Merle Brigham, Annette Brown, Doris Burton, Roland C. Cavallier, Mary Elizabeth Collen, Frank Corso, John F. Cribben, Leo T. Crump, David Culeton, Jane Culver, Marjorie Cusworth, Maynard Del Bove, Mike Dickow, Walton Ealden, Marie Essex, Gene Essner, William Fahey, Mary Katherine Fellows, Edward Gaebler, Mary Beatrice Galbraith, Ann Gifford, Marjorie Gladstone, Grace Gover, Norman M. Greenberg, Martin M. Guarlnick, Malvin Gwinn, Robert S., Jr. Haessig, William Burke Hart, Isabelle K. Hauber, Ruth Hauler, Arthur Hennessey, Joseph Thomas Hornbake, R.L. Hubbard, Priscilla Jean Huss, William E. Hyde, Frank Ingalsbe, Alan Johns, Alfred S. Johnson, Anne Karcher, Harry M. Kenneth, Edna Kenyon, Raymond G. Kieper, Beatrice Veronica Kirschner, Naida Kosowski, Alfreda Lasher, Hiram Lavenburg, Dolores Elaine Lavenburg, Helen Law, William Leggett, Dorothy Leland, Sigmunt N. Lew, Bernard Longhway, Annamae Loschiavo, Charles Lutge, Herman Mahaney, Betty Mahar, Marion Mathison, Hank McCormack, Helen McGarvey, William McLaughlin, Kathryn Theresa Metz, Harriet Middleton, Mary Millis, Ethel Lillian Miner, GIlbert Bertrand Moreland, James Morrison, Tom Murray, Dorothy Una Nelson, Betty Newstead, Lyla Nichols, Alice Gertrude North, Ethel Irene Outterson, Gilbert Perry, Dorothy Pitluga, George Pomphret, Ellen Porter, Harry Preston, Thomas Ranta, John W. Riley, Rita Frances Robbins, Eva I. Romney, Golden Roos, George H., Jr. Rudolph, Jay Salisbury, Seward Saunders, Aulus Scheele, Mary Margaret Schneider, Frank Scoville, Wadsor M. Segal, Stanley Seymour, E. Elizabeth Smithers, Doris Snyder, Beatrice Snyder, Walter A. Snygg, Donald Sommella, Anthony R. Sortore, Marion Stapleton, Ethel Stebbins, William Stern, Barbara Sullivan, Mary Florence Sunderman, Lloyd Swetman, Ralph W. Swinyard, Nora Tower, Donald Trass, Wilford Travis, Raymond Turner, Charles Ury, Harvey Edson Warner, John Wells, Charles Wheeler, Jane Wilber, Gordon Willmann, R. Wright, Dorothy Yager, Charles
- Genre:
- Yearbook
8: Communication Artifact ( nmc ) Documentary Artifact ( nmc )
- Summary:
- The 1942 Ontarian. 111 pages. 2 copies ( eng )
- General Note:
- CAPTION:Cover page
Record Information
- Rights Management:
- All applicable rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
- Resource Identifier:
- 2006.042.0022 ( accession number )
RG-7-2, Ontarian 1942